During the pandemic, most of us are spending more of our time indoors. What you may not realize is the air inside your home is probably more polluted than the air outside. Health problems can be caused by the very air we are breathing at home, but at other times in our offices and schools. Pollutants range from living organisms like mold and insects, to VOCs, chemicals, and gases. Consider having an Indoor Air Quality Test.

A common misconception is that only dirty houses or buildings get mold; clean and tidy homes and businesses are spared. The truth is that mold can be present anywhere, in any type of home, office, or building. Often the occupants don’t know they have a mold problem, and are suffering serious health consequences. 

That’s why mold testing is so important. Caspi Environmental Group is a top-rated mold testing company that services the tri-state area. We provide mold testing for homes and businesses.

Mold Can Cause Illness

Mold spreads spores that can make you sick, including triggering asthma attacks and other respiratory issues. Black mold can be extremely toxic. A spot of mold the size of a dime contains approximately 500,000 spores.

A mold issue in one room can lead to a whole building problem, as spores can easily travel through general air currents and HVAC systems and cross-contaminate the premises quickly. Through expert mold testing, our certified mold inspectors can help you discover what’s causing mold growth in your home or business.

Mold sickness can cause sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, nose and throat, cough and postnasal drip, wheezing, rashes, and more. If you think you’ve been exposed to mold in your home or workplace, call us to schedule a consultation today.

When Should You Test for Mold?

  • If you smell a musty odor or see mold
  • After a flood, leak, or sewage back-up 
  • If people or pets are experiencing allergy-like symptoms
  • Before you perform mold remediation
  • If a basement, attic, or other area is damp
  • Before purchasing or selling any home or property, especially if suspect mold was found during a home inspection
  • If an ice dam has formed on your roof and leaked into your home or workplace

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality or IAQ?

Lots of things, with mold and VOCs being the two main culprits. VOCs are released from everyday items, including new carpeting, furniture, cabinets, bedding, paint, printers, adhesives, vinyl, fabrics, scented candles, air fresheners, detergents, and more.

Urban environments harbor exhaust generated by buses and other vehicles, and subways, construction, and buildings (steam pipes). Combine that with population density and you can rely on the fact that the air in your home, office, or apartment will be far from perfect. And that can seriously affect your health.

Consider having an Indoor Air Quality Test. Such testing by trained CASPI Environmental Group professionals can identify the root causes of any indoor air pollution. Our comprehensive sampling checks for radon, mold, carbon monoxide, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particles from furnaces and wood-burning fireplaces and stoves, as well as common allergens.